Airport Pickup and Drop off

Book in advance

We recommend booking the Car transfers in advance to avoid hawkers and delay. Our staff at the airport will have a sign with your name and your car waiting for you. He also helps with immediate requirements such as currency exchange or mobile sim cards before getting to Monrovia.

Onward transfer to your Hotel or House

Do you need to be picked up and transferred to your hotel on arrival? kindly call on the below contacts or a single E-main will do.  when booking and we will send a private vehicle to transfer you to your Hotel or House. 

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Address: Fish Market Sinkor,

Monrovia Liberia

Visit Liberia Travel and Tours is more than just a comprehensive online guide for travelers to Liberia. We are a travel and tour company based in Monrovia offering the complete range of travel related services and facilitate abroad education that create the best experience for our clients and to build a resilience culture and tourism environment in the country with hundred percent showcasing the true beauty of Liberia.